Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Out with the old....in with the new!!

Out with the old and in with the new. There were perks at the old place and there are perks at the new place. The thing I miss most about the old place is the size. It was HUGE!!! Here are some shots of what we left and what we now have.
So this was the kitchen. It was a decent size but the appliances were ancient and check out the horrible wallpaper!!! Yuck!

This was what they called the dinning room. It was our living room as it is right off the kitchen. It was a HUGE room and perfect to get just the right set up for our big screen TV. The bad is that the tiny radiator you see in the right corner Sucked at heating that room in the winter!

The bedroom was also very very large. This picture looks horrible as the color was not as bad as it looks here. If it did it would have been painted a LONG time ago LOL!!

This was what was supposed to be the living room (it was for us the first 2 years we were there) I kinda liked the fake fireplace. It was a good place to hold all my nicnak type thingies. It had huge windows and a wonderful huge mirror along the wall opposite the fireplace.

The bathroom was pretty darn small and pretty junkie. Not a fan of it at all in any way LOL

This is pretty much the view of the kitchen and living room from the back door. Look at all the pretty granite counter tops! LOVE it!!

Here is the spare bedroom. Really small but it has a great closet

This is a view of the living room from the spare bedroom doorway.

This is our MUCH nicer bathroom. SO love it :)

This is the master bedroom that is fact is not very "masterfull" as it is not very big LOL!! But it has a very large closet.

This right here is what makes the small aspect of the new place worth it!!!! LOL

Our first pic of us in our new place :)
So there you go, that is the old and new. I am still working on getting the new unpacked and I can't wait to show it off when it is all done. Hopefully soon!!!

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