Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hello 2010!

Wow! I have been a bad blogger. I can't believe that I have not posted since July. It is a new year and I am going to fix that. This year I have not set any resolutions, I don't ever follow them so why bother. Instead I have set goals. They are more obtainable to me. Here is a list of my goals for 2010
  • Work out at least 3 days a week (gym, walking outside, wii, weights at home, etc) I got really bad at the end of last year and I am not happy with myself
  • Try one new recipe every week. This is a BIG goal for me. I am not a fan of cooking but I am willing to give it a try. Email me at if you have a recipe you think I should try.
  • Read 2 books or more per month. This should be no problem as I love to read. I have about 200 books here that I need to read so I better get to it.
  • Scrapbook at least one page a week. Scrapbooking is my passion and I need to make sure it fits into my schedule more. I have a lot of memories I need to preserve.
  • Drink more water and less pop
  • Cut way back on munchies. A combination of munchies and lack of gym has added a few pounds on. NOT a good thing.
  • Go to bed earlier. This one is a stretch. I am a night owl and I love it that way.
  • Read at least one magazine a week. I have about 100 magazines that I am behind on. I need to get that pile smaller.

I think that these are all goals that I can handle. Keep reading to see how I do.


Stephanie said...

Those are some great goals Jen! I'm still learning to cook, I can send you some recipes if you want. Can't say they'll all be lowfat though. :-)

ps: Can I add you to my blogroll?

Just Jen said...

Sounds good Stephanie! Of course you can add me to your blog roll :)

pullthecurtain13 said...

hey this is mine.