Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I am SUCH a slacker!!!

Ok, So I really have no excuse except for laziness. I should be posting more but I have not been. I will get better I promise ;)

I have lots of other things to catch everyone up on but I wanted to share that I joined a gym last week. Today I had my first session with a personal trainer and he kicked my ass!! I am hurting so bad right now! It is a good hurt though and I am looking forward to the results.

Well I am off to bed but I will be back in the next could of days with Dinner cruise pics and details of how CRAZY busy Shaun and I are for the next few weeks.

Hugs and kisses!!

1 comment:

Hodge Family said...

hey you. How are you. Its Rachel Graham. I keep up on your blog so keep writing. :) I decided to start my own as well. I just hope I can keep on it. I am so unorganized that it is hard to say. Anyway hope your day goes good.