Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My new haircut

So a few people have requested new haircut pictures. Shaun took several but I HATE how I look in pictures!! I know, crazy since I am a scrapbooker and I am constantly taking pictures. Oh well. This one that I am posting was the best of the bunch. Anywhoo, here ya go!


Jens Place in Space said...

I think the picture looks great. I think we all are to hard on ourselves cause I hate every pic of me to.

Jscraps4u said...

I think the picture and the haircut look awesome!!! Although I can totally empathize...I'm not a big fan of my photo being taken either!

Pat said...

I think your pic looks great, like your haircut!

Unknown said...

love the haircut, it looks so easy to take care of! me jealous ;)

teresamatz said...

adorable haircut (i totally hide from the camera

Anonymous said...

you look fabulous, my friend!

Kristina said...

I like it! I just cut all mine off too.

tini said...

I LOVE it! I'm jealous, my hair used to be that short, and I'm kind of getting ready to go back that way. Oh, and I'm cracking up at the gray - I found my first (and only so far) when I was 28 :)

Allison Cope said...

Fabulous new do girl!!!